The Acrobat Reader DC software is installed on our school-owned student laptops and it allows PDF document files to be opened for viewing.
If students choose to sign in to the app, they can also work with 'editable' PDF document files and save any changes made.
Students should follow these steps to Sign In to Acrobat Reader DC.
Step-by-step guide
- Open a PDF file, then click the Sign In link near the top-right corner of the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC window :
- Enter your student email address - using the format "username" then ""
( For example, a student with username student bgates18 would enter the email address )
Then click the Continue button:
- Verify that the Sign In link has gone and been replaced with a blue-circle icon has replaced it.
(You can click this blue-circle icon to verify the email address of whoever is currently signed in.) :