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The college records details of the medical conditions of our students so that we can choose the most appropriate course of action in an emergency. These details are usually recorded on enrolment. However, Community Portal makes it possible for you to review the information and update it. This is particularly important if your child's medical conditions change.

You will need to sign in to Community Portal to make changes. You might also like to familarise yourself with the article Edit your details in Community Portal.

Step-by-step guide

The steps below show how to edit your child's medical details. In this example, we'll imagine we need to add a medical condition for a child.

  1. After signing into Community Portal, click/tap on the My Details tab.
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  2. You will see a list of tabs near the top of the screen. The tabs are labelled with your name, as well as other members of your household and your children. Click/tap the name of the child whose medical conditions need to be updated.
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  3. Click/tap the Medical category.
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  4. A list of the most common medical conditions will be listed on the screen. If the condition you need to add is one of these, click/tap Edit. Or, if the condition is not listed, click/tap Add Other Medical Condition

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  5. If you clicked/tapped Edit in step 4, the listed conditions will become check boxes. Check the condition for your child. This will expand the page and provide spaces to store the details of the condition.

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    You can record more than one condition at the same time. Just check all that apply, and be sure to fill in details for each in the following step.


    If you clicked/tapped Add Other Medical Condition, you'll see a similar set of spaces, with the addition of 'Medical condition'. Select the relevant medical condition from the list provided. 

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  6. Fill out the details of the medical condition, and if appropriate, emergency and other treatment details. (At this stage, the 'Confidential' check box is not used. All medical conditions of all students are treated with confidentiality and sensitivity.) 
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  7. Click/tap Save (located to the top-right of the 'Medical Conditions' section). 

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    After you have saved the changes, you will briefly see a confirmation message:
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    The condition will now be displayed with a green background:
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What happens next?

Staff at the college (for example, school nurses) will assess the updates you make to your child's medical conditions and then accept them. We may contact you for further details in some circumstances. The changes will then be made in our system. In almost all cases, this approval will occur within two business days. See the article What happens after you change your details.


Medication and Allergy details are recorded in same way as Medical Conditions: Click/tap Edit, check the boxes, and provide the information requested. Click Save when finished.

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Additional resources


Severity types

The table below provides definitions of the four categories used in Severity type. Use this as a guide to select the most appropriate value.

Severity descriptionWhat it means
Life ThreateningThe condition can put the student at extreme risk or can be life threatening. For example, an allergic condition that is known to lead to anaphylaxis. Typically, these conditions will require immediate medical attention.
SevereThe condition can have a significant impact on the student and might require medical attention, though it is not typically life threatening. For example, an immune deficiency where a child’s immune system struggles to fight an infection.
MildThe condition is not likely to require emergency treatment, can be self-managed by the student, or has only a mild impact on the student. For example, Asthma that is controlled by Ventolin once or twice a year.
InformationThe condition requires no treatment or will not require that the college to take action. The condition is recorded so that the college is aware. For example, vision issues for which corrective lenses have been prescribed, or hearing difficulties for which a hearing aid is needed.


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