Logging in

To log into Moodle from outside the college:

  1. Open your web browser and visit: https://our.flinders.vic.edu.au/login

  2. Enter your standard user name and password at the Flinders Log in screen and click/tap Sign In.

If you have forgotten your username or password, please contact your homegroup teacher. 

Finding your Courses

Once you have logged in to Moodle, you will see a menu toggle-button in the top left-corner of the screen:

This opens and closes the Side menu. This menu contains a subheading titled 'My courses' which lists all the courses in which you are currently enrolled. You will have a course for every class you take, plus a few extra non-curricular courses as well (such as your sub-school page.) Click the links to browse to the course page.

Finding your Grades and Timetable

This essential information is stored in the My Links block on the page to the right of screen. There you will find an icon for your timetable, as well as a link to your report. These pages will also help you to see who your teachers are for each subject. If you see a red number on the Reports icon, this means that a new assessment has been added to your report.

Find out What's On

As you move around Moodle, you will notice that each course has a Calendar in the right-hand sidebar. These calendars will show you any important events that are coming up. 

The best place to see all upcoming events and due dates is in your Dashboard, accessed from near the top of your menu.

Additional resources

What's the difference between ourFlinders and Moodle?

In practice, nothing! Moodle is 'learning management software'. We have used this software to build a website called ‘ourFlinders’. When you log into ourFlinders you are using the Moodle software. That said, don’t worry too much about it! Many people call the ourFlinders site ‘Moodle’.

What is a Moodle ‘Course’?

A Moodle course is a page of information relating to one subject or topic. The majority of courses in ourFlinders relate to a particular subject taught to a specific class. There are some courses that are available for general viewing, such as pages of notices, or information about instrumental music or sport. With the exception of these general viewing courses, students can only access courses for subjects in which they are enrolled. Similarly, parents can only access courses in which their children are enrolled.

Parents can view much of the content, but not all. Certain items that could potentially be assessed (forums, quizzes, glossaries) are not available to parents because doing so might reveal information in breach our privacy rules. If you come across such an item, you will see a message similar to ‘You need to be enrolled in this course to view this content.’

Moodle doesn’t work on our Home Computer. What should we do?

If you experience difficulty while using Moodle, it might be because you are using an old web browser. Some features of Moodle require a reasonably modern web browser.

We strongly recommend that you use the very latest version of Mozilla FireFox or Google Chrome to access Moodle.

Internet Explorer and Safari do not support some of the important Moodle features, and can be very unresponsive when performing certain tasks. The majority of technical support questions we currently receive about Moodle are resolved by using FireFox or Chrome instead of Internet Explorer.

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