This section is designed to assist Flinders students in using Google Apps. All Flinders students have a Google account, which is created and managed by Flinders. |
Additional resourcesVideo: How to sign in to G-suite (Google Apps) as a Student |
Related articlesClick to edit the macro below and add or change labels. Ideally, add the same labels you added using the label function. Try to choose words that describe your content (eg 'printer') rather than vague descriptors (eg 'error'). You can delete the it-general-article label provided that you replace it with at least one relevant label. |
When first creating the document, enter your @name in 'Created by' and add the //current date to 'Created on'. The initial status for documents should be 'Draft'. Edit the Article Status macro to change the status to 'Submitted' when ready to publish the article. Only change this to 'Complete' when you have taken the time to fully proof the article. Use 'For review' to mark documents that require checking, adding in a brief reason for the review and the person who should check the document. Optionally, add a date by which the document should be reviewed. These details should be removed when the status is set back to 'Complete'. Leave this section hidden.