SketchUp for Schools

SketchUp for Schools



SketchUp for Schools is the core SketchUp modeler now available in a web browser for any Primary or Secondary School

Use your Flinders email address (for example bsimpson32@fccc.vic.edu.au) to login.
Don’t use your old google account “bsimpson32@ga.flinders.vic.edu.au

Step-by-step guide

  1. First go to SketchUp for Schools - Product | SketchUp

  2. Click get started.

  3. Click Student


  4. Click Launch

  5. Click Sign in with Microsoft. Don't select Google!


  6. Enter your Flinders Microsoft account.

Your username for this process is your network username followed by @fccc.vic.edu.au. For example, if your network username is bgates16, then your login will be bgates16@fccc.vic.edu.au.

  1. Enter your password at the prompt and click Sign in (or press Enter)

Additional Resources