Overview of Flinders Connect App

Overview of Flinders Connect App



Flinders Connect is an easy to use app that brings together many of the tools you need to stay in touch with what is happening at Flinders Christian Community College. You can install the app on iPhones, iPads or Android devices.


The calendar is a personalised view of upcoming events at Flinders. It can include excursion dates, student free days, special events happening at school, term start and finish dates and much more. The calendar knows which events to show you, based on your login and which children you have enrolled at Flinders.


Every so often we'll ask you to provide consent for your child to take part in an excursion or an activity. You can give that consent in the Forms module with only a couple of clicks.

My Account

My Account allows you to:

  1. Check and update the contact and medical details we have stored for you
  2. Make payments for some activities
  3. Check your current finances and view any previous invoices and transactions


Sometimes your child is unwell or unable to be at school. Using the Absentee module, you can quickly and easily report the absence and automatically notify the College of this absence.


When Flinders wants you to know about something important or urgent, that information may come in as a notice in this module. A late returning bus from camp, or perhaps a change of plans for a scheduled event at school - you will be alerted via Notices.


The fortnightly newsletters are now fully online on our website. The Newsletter module of the app allows you to locate and read all of the available newsletters in a single location.


The Learning module contains four different areas.  For each area you will be able to select your child to continue to information about them.  


See today's timetable, or view any day in the fortnight for your children.

Due Work

Any assignments or homework with a due date in ourFlinders (Moodle) will show here, ordered by due date.

Grade Notifications

As changes happen in your child's report, these changes will show here. Changes can include new or changed grades, observations and feedback.

Classes and Grades

Classes and Grades is a summarised version of your child's report. It shows the current overall grade or level being achieved in each subject, as well as the individual grades on tasks that make up the overall grade. It also shows past PDF versions of reports, as well as current Individual Learning Plans (ILPs).


After selecting your child view each of your child's teachers, with handy links to call the school or email the teacher directly.

The Links module has other web links that are useful in the everyday life at Flinders. These might include Uniform, Parent Teacher Interviews, Booklists, Bus Routes and others.

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