Download a semester report

Download a semester report


Semester reports are made available at the end of each semester, usually on the last day of the semester. Parents and Guardians download these reports from our reporting portal (in Moodle). The reporting portal also contains all previous semester reports. This article explains how to download a copy of the report for your child.

Although Semester reports are only published twice a year, you can obtain provisional reports throughout the school year. Provisional reports show how the report is shaping up 'as at' the time you download them. These reports are subject to change, but can give you a good idea of how your child is progressing.

Step-by-step guide

To download a semester report, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Moodle.

  2. After you have logged into Moodle, click the picture of your campus. This will take you to your campus home page.

  3. You will see pictures of your child (or children) in the top-right corner of the screen with links next to their names. Click/tap the link titled Reports for your child.

    You should now be able to view the 'Report Summary' for your child.

  4. Click/tap on the tab labelled Past Reports. This provides a list of all end-of-semester reports available. The most recent report will be at top of the list.

    If your child is new to the school, this tab won’t appear until the end of your child’s first semester at the college. After that, it will be available at all times of the year.

  5. To download a report, right-click (CTRL+Click on Mac OSX) on a report title, and select Save Link As… (or whatever equivalent your browser uses to save files).

    The process is a little different for the iPad. Tap on a report link (a report title or ‘View’) to start viewing the report. After the report has loaded, tap on the report and click on the Open in “iBooks” button, or click the Open in… button and select 'iBooks'. This saves a copy of the report to iBooks.

If you have more than one child at the college, you can repeat the above process for your other children. All you need to do is go back to your campus home page and follow Steps 3 to 5 above. The easiest way to return to the campus home page is to click the word 'Home' in the 'breadcrumb' link.

The reporting portal provides a link near the top of the report labelled Download Printable Report. During the semester, this provides a Provisional (or 'as at') report. However, from the end of one semester to the beginning of the next semester, it will generate the Semester Report.

Another way to download the report is to follow the steps up to and including Step 4, then click/tap the report. This will open the report in your web browser. Now use the tools your web browser provides for downloading (or saving) a PDF file:

Additional resources

The following are some common questions we receive about the semester reports. If you have any additional questions, please contact your campus.

My child is leaving the college at the end of the semester. Will I still get a report?

Yes! Your child's Moodle account will remain active for a short time after the semester ends, usually until the next semester begins. This should give you ample time to log in and download the report (or reports). We encourage parents of children who are leaving to log in and download Semester reports on the last day of the semester.

Similarly, if your child leaves part way through a semester, download the latest provisional report on or before your child's last day. While it is not a complete report, it will show all assessments currently recorded. Another reason to do this is that students leaving several weeks before the end of a semester will not receive a semester report.

My child has left the college, and I missed out on the Semester report. Can I get a copy?

Yes! We keep a digital archive of all semester reports. To obtain a report, please contact the campus where your child attended. Please be aware that you will be asked to confirm your identity

Can I see teacher comments in the report?

At present, the printable report does not include teacher comments for individual subjects or tasks. This is because the report is intended to be an overall summary. Including feedback from every task would make the report very long. Further, the 'Observations' ratings for each subject – which are included for each subject in the printed report – provide feedback about your child's disposition to learning and participation. (That said, we hope to one day provide the option of a comprehensive report that lists feedback for individual tasks!)

To see specific comments for your child's work, view the individual subjects in the online reporting system. Each task lets you see the feedback (of any) that has been provided.

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