View your child's online report

View your child's online report


Flinders College provides parents and guardians with a continuous online reporting system. You can log in at any time during the semester to see how your child is going with each subject. The key advantage of continuous reporting is this: it gives you the opportunity to recognise and address any concerns early in the semester, not just after the final Semester Report has been published.

Parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to log into Moodle and use the online reporting system on a regular basis.

There are two ways to view your child's report: online in a web browser or as a downloadable and printable 'summary' report. The online report contains considerable detail. For example, clicking a subject on the attainment graph takes you to a page that shows results of all tasks completed for that subject, including feedback from the teacher. The downloadable report contains the overall results for each subject broken down by category, but no fine detail or feedback about individual tasks.

The downloadable report can take two forms. Provisional reports are available all through the semester. They should be considered incomplete or subject to change, accurate 'as at' the date on which they are downloaded. Provisional reports provide a useful snapshot of your child's progress during the year. Semester reports are considered complete and are only available at the conclusion of the Semester.

Step-by-step guide

To view the online report for your child, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Moodle.

  2. After you have logged into Moodle, click the picture of your campus. This will take you to your campus home page.

  3. You will see pictures of your child (or children) in the top-right corner of the screen with links next to their names. Click/tap the link titled Reports for your child.

    You should now be able to view the 'Report Summary' for your child.

The reporting system contains comprehensive online help. To access this help, click on the link labelled Help on using this page, which is located in the top-right corner of the report page.

If you have more than one child at the college, you can repeat the above process for your other children. All you need to do is go back to your campus home page and follow Step 3 above. The easiest way to return to the campus home page is to click the word 'Home' in the 'breadcrumb' link.

Additional resources

About the report

What you see in the report is dependent on what the teacher has entered to date. Some subjects are made up of many tasks, the results of which are uploaded on a regular basis. For these, you might see changes every week or fortnight. Some subjects, such as design and technology courses, are assessed on smaller number of tasks (such as the completion of a photographic portfolio), and these might change less frequently over the semester. If you have any concerns about this, contact the subject teacher.

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