Log into Microsoft 365

Log into Microsoft 365


Microsoft 365 lets you use Microsoft Office programs on almost any device connected to the Internet, and without having those programs installed on the device. This article describes how to log into Microsoft 365.

This article is intended to assist current students in logging into Microsoft 365. The process is very similar for members of staff. However, staff should refer to the Microsoft 365 article in the Technology Knowledge Base, as your log in details will be slightly different.

Step-by-step guide

To log into Microsoft 365, follow these steps:

  1. Using the web browser of your choice, visit portal.office.com.
  2. Enter the username you have been assigned (see note below) and click Sign in (or press Enter).

    Your username for this process is your network user name followed by @fccc.vic.edu.au. For example, if your network username is bgates16, then your login will be bgates16@fccc.vic.edu.au.

  3. Enter your password at the prompt and click Sign in (or press Enter).

    The password will be your usual network password.

    Never share your password with someone else!

    You are now logged into Microsoft 365. The apps, presented as a set of icons, are ready for you to use:



If you are not able to log in, ask your these questions:

  • Are you sure you entered your username as an email address as described in Step 2? Your network username by itself will not give you access. You need to add @fccc.vic.edu.au to your network name.

  • Are you sure you entered the password correctly? The password is the same as your network password. If you have forgotten your password, please speak to your teacher.

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