Manage your payment details

Manage your payment details


Community Portal can securely record your payment details so that, when you make payments in future, you can do so faster. This article describes how to manage your payment details.

Step-by-step guide

To view and manage your payment details, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Community Portal.

  2. On computers, hover the mouse pointer over the Finance menu item, then click Manage Stored Cards on the sub-menu.

    On tablet devices and phones, it's a bit trickier: tap and hold the Finance menu item. Your device will probably pop up a menu of various options. Tap anywhere outside that pop-up menu to close it. The Finance sub-menu should now be visible; tap the Manage Stored Cards item.

    If you have already stored details of one or more cards, these will be listed for you. 

    If you have not previously stored payment information, you will see a screen prompting you to store a new payment type. This is the start of the process for adding a new payment option, which is described in detail below.

    Alternatively, you might see the Credit Card details screen. Again, this is the start of the process for adding a new payment option, discussed in the section below.

    What you see here depends on the number of 'accounts' you have. Many parents will have several accounts, such as the main (Family Debtor) account, an instrumental music account, or a camps account. However, it's possible for some families to only have one account.

Adding a new payment option (adding a credit card)

To add a new credit card to your payment options, go to the Manage Stored Cards page (as described above) then follow these steps:

  1. Click/tap New Payment Option.
  2. If you are prompted for a 'linked account' select the option ending in ' / Family Debtor' (unless the Business Office has advised you otherwise) then click Next. If you are not prompted for a 'linked account' continue at the next step.
  3. Fill in the details of your card:
  4. Click/tap Save
  5. At the prompt, click Confirm.

    If you entered your payment details correctly, you will see a confirmation message: 
    If you made a mistake while entering your card details, you will see an error message like the one below. Don't panic! Just repeat the above steps. (If you encounter this kind of message after several attempts, check that your credit card hasn't expired or been cancelled.) 

Deleting a payment option (credit card)

To remove a card from your payment options, go to the Manage Stored Cards page (as described above) then follow these steps:

  1. Locate the card that you want to delete.

  2. Click/tap the Delete button.
  3. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Click/tap OK. the details will be deleted.

Editing a payment option (credit card)

Editing card details is very similar to creating a new payment method. To modify the details of a stored card, go to the Manage Stored Cards page (as described above) then follow these steps:

  1. Locate the card you want to modify in the list of payment methods.

  2. Click/tap the Edit button. 

  3. Make the necessary changes.

  4. Click/tap Save.

  5. Click Confirm.  

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