Make a payment in Community Portal

Make a payment in Community Portal


Community Portal incorporates a payment gateway, allowing you to pay fees and charges online. This article describes how to use the online payment system.

For help on making payments for specific activities, read the article Paying for activities.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Sign in to Community Portal and view the Finance details page.

  2. Click/tap the Make a Payment button.

  3. If you have more than one 'account' (see View finance details for information on accounts), select the account into which you would like to make the payment.
  4. The 'Payment Amount' will default to the balance of the selected account. You can leave it as this or change the amount you wish to pay:
  5. Click/tap Next. The screen will prompt you about payment methods. 
  6. To select a payment method, either click/tap New card (you will be prompted to enter your details):


    Click/tap Stored cards, then click/tap Select for the card you wish to use. 

    After you have selected a card, it will be shaded in yellow.

    If you don't have card information stored, you will simply be presented with the credit card payments details. See the article Manage your payment details for more information on stored payment details.

  7. After entering your payment details or selecting a stored card click/tap Pay Now.

  8. When prompted, click/tap OK to confirm your payment.